blast off!

Crowley: Hello ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain, Crowley, speaking. Please prepare for take off.


Aziraphale: How do you turn this machine off?

Crowley: Seriously, man? You’re an angel. Use the “power of God” to turn it off.

Aziraphale: I can’t get it off man, seriously.

Crowley: Fuck it, dude. Just play us some tunes. Let these idiots on board listen.

Aziraphale: *turns on hymns*

Crowley: DUDE, NO! *switches it to metal*

Aziraphale: excuse me? I don’t think this is appropriate. *switches it back to hymns*

Crowley: *switches back to metal but breaks it so both audios play at the same time* *play song*

Aziraphale: awesome, man. Great. Good job. This is an entirely new form of blasphemy. You happy?

Crowley: I’m a demon… of course I’m fucking happy about it, you twat.

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